Monday, November 26, 2012

Testmoz Test 3º ESO Units 1&2 Vocabulary

Test 3º ESO Vocabulary Unit 1

Your URL is:'t forget it! Bookmark this page, or write it down. You need to click the "Admin" tab on that page to get back here.

admin Bazinga

stud bigbang


Test 3º ESO Vocabulary Unit 2

Your URL is:'t forget it! Bookmark this page, or write it down. You need to click the "Admin" tab on that page to get back here.

admin bigbang

stud bazinga

Friday, November 23, 2012

wikispaces 1



Wikispaces account

1 coolteacher2007-****



2 tutoria3esod.iesv*










Thursday, May 24, 2012

Héctor's new advances in blogging

Héctor's just started his own blog. It's called Automóviles and you can find it here:

I wish him luck!